21 agosto 2005


the beginning of a long journey

Welcome to my new blog (aka online travel journal)!

This will be a place where I will share my experiences in Italy and elsewhere. It will happen in words and in pictures, hopefully with honesty and insight.

Tomorrow morning my journey begins. At 11:32 I will board a plane in Omaha, and 16 hours later I will be in London. So far the itinerary consists of 4 days in London and 4 days in Paris before arriving in Florence for classes on the 30th.

Check out my travel-mate's blog as well (it's also a link on the left side of this screen).

Right now I am tired and not quite packed, so I will end the introduction here. Please stop by often and comment frequently.

Fino alla volta prossima (until next time)!

This is so exciting! I can't wait to see photos and hear stories! Make sure to hike the cinque terre as well! :)
how wonderful, dena-na...i cannot wait to read about your adventures and i'm so excited that you are traveling!
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