15 settembre 2005



Brief update on life in Italy:

I have now finished two weeks of classes. Only 13 to go.

My studio project should be interesting, but a lot of work. Not good for Florence.

My roommate hasn't killed me yet.

I have almost eaten my weight in gelato.

I am now the proud owner of a Danish-style 1-speed with a basket and bell. It will be coming home with me.

This weekend my "Survey of Italian Architecture" class goes to Vienna. Right, I know- not Italian architecture. Whatever, it's travel. And we have tickets to the opera.

Life is good.

I'm so jealous. I would love a Danish-style 1-speed with basket and bell. No idea when I'd use it, but it sounds adorable.

What opera(s) will you see?
ah vienna, now Ryan is really jealous. eat some wurst for us and a sachertorte or two.
Dena--sounds do fun! Glad to know your doing well
anne- "The Barber of Seville" :)

dad- it's coming home in a box in pieces

marissa- no worries, i covered the wurst for you both!

christina- miss you!!
sounds like you're having incredible days over there, dena-na...a bit jealous of your sweet new ride (especially the bell and basket part), but so glad to hear things from you!
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